Registration Form

This Fraud Reporting System is initiated with the need to report and facilitate the investigation of fraud under the arrangement with The Hong Kong Association of Banks (HKAB). While keeping report data confidential, this system will support:

• Report,
• Track reported case progress,
• Archive resolution of report cases

* Mandatory field

Registration Process
Eligible institutions ("banks") are invited. Four simple steps:
1) Bank Registration
2) One Super Admin registration
3) One Supervisor registration
4) Two Operators registration

Bank Name

Super Admin

"Super Admin" is responsible for registering and maintaining account information of all users on behalf of the bank, and does not have access to the Fraud Reporting System. Upon successful registration, Super Admin can use the registered email address to communicate with Certizen for user account maintenance (mailto: To terminate/change a user account, Super Admin should email Certizen and we will terminate/change the user account within three (3) working days after receiving notice. Super Admin can be changed by contacting Certizen (mailto:


"Supervisor" can access the Fraud Reporting System to view enquiries submitted by all Operators of the bank and track reported case progress.


"Operators" can access the Fraud Reporting System to submit and view enquiries. Operators are not authorized to view enquiries submitted by other Operators.

Optional: If you choose to have TWO Operators, please fill the below boxes
